Nissan Juke Service and Repair Manual : Door & Lock type 3

Intelligent key battery
Removal and Installation 1. Release the lock knob at the back of the Intelligent Key and remove the mechanical key. 2. Insert a flat-blade screwdriver (A) wrapped with a cloth into the slit of th ...

How to use this manual
APPLICATION NOTICE Information Check the vehicle type to use the service information in this section. ...

Other materials:

C1105, C1106, C1107, C1108 wheel sensor
DTC Logic DTC DETECTION LOGIC DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE 1.PRECONDITIONING If “DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE” has been previously conducted, always turn ignition switch OFF and wait at least 10 seconds before conducting the next test. >> GO TO 2. 2.CHECK DTC DETECTION With CONSULT-I ...

Idle neutral control learning
Description TCM corrects an individual difference in clutch clearance of the transaxle assembly by performing the idle neutral control learning and enables accurate idle neutral control. Therefore, it is required to perform idle neutral control learning after the following work is performed ...

U1119 lost comm (multi-display)
Description CAN (Controller Area Network) is a serial communication line for real-time application. It is an on-vehicle multiplex communication line with high data communication speed and excellent malfunction detection ability. Many electronic control units are equipped onto a vehicle, and ...