Nissan Juke Service and Repair Manual : Service data and specifications (SDS)

How to select piston and bearing
Description • The identification grade stamped on each part is the grade for the dimension measured in new condition. This grade cannot apply to reused parts. • For reused or repaired parts, mea ...

General Specification
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ( ): Valve timing control “ON” ...

Other materials:

Hood switch
Component Function Check 1.CHECK FUNCTION 1. Select “HOOD SW” in “Data Monitor” mode of “IPDM E/R” using CONSULT-III. 2. Check “HOOD SW” indication under the following condition. Is the indication normal? YES >> Hood switch is OK. NO >> Go to SEC-223, "Diagnosis Procedure& ...

Squeak and rattle trouble diagnoses
Work Flow CUSTOMER INTERVIEW Interview the customer if possible, to determine the conditions that exist when the noise occurs. Use the Diagnostic Worksheet during the interview to document the facts and conditions when the noise occurs and any of the customer's comments; refer to DLK-139, &q ...

System setting
Temperature Setting Trimmer DESCRIPTION If the temperature felt by the customer is different from the air flow temperature controlled by the temperature setting, the A/C auto amp. control temperature can be adjusted to compensate for the temperature setting. HOW TO SET With CONSULT-III P ...