Nissan Juke Service and Repair Manual : Preparation
Liquid Gasket
• After removing mounting nuts and bolts, separate the mating surface
using the seal cutter [SST: KV10111100 (J-37228)] (A) and
remove old liquid gasket sealing.
Special Service Tools
The actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special
service tools illustrated here.
Other materials:
Parts Requiring Angle Tightening
• Use the angle wrench [SST: KV10112100] for the final tightening of the
following engine parts:
- Camshaft sprocket (INT) bolt
- Cylinder head bolts
- Main bearing cap bolts
- Connecting rod cap bolts
- Crankshaft pulley bolt (No the angle wrench is required as bolt flange is
provided with ...
Precaution Necessary for Steering Wheel Rotation after Battery Disconnect
• Before removing and installing any control units, first turn the ignition
switch to the LOCK position, then disconnect
both battery cables.
• After finishing work, confirm that all control unit connectors are connected
properly, then re-connect both
battery cables.
• Always use CONS ...
P1612 chain of ECM-IMMU
DTC Logic
• If DTC P1612 is displayed with DTC U1000 (for BCM), first perform the trouble
diagnosis for DTC U1000.
Refer to BCS-83, "DTC Logic".
• If DTC P1612 is displayed with DTC U1010 (for BCM), first perform the trouble
diagnosis for DTC U1010.